Arduino UNO Learning Shield by Ardumotive
This learning shield can be useful at schools, universities and to everyone that want to start dealing with the Arduino. With this shield you will learn how to read the temperature and humidity from DHT-22 sensor, read an object distance by using the HC-SR04 ultrasonic sensor, print sensor values to the NOKIA 5110 LCD. On this PCB board you will also find three LEDs, two buttons, buzzer, trimmer and photocell sensor!
Ultrasonic Sensor HC-SR04
Nokia 5110 LCD (Blue PCB)
How can I get this PCB board
Download the gerber zip file from here and enter here to produce your PCB board!
Use JLCPCB for $2 PCB Fabrication & 2-day Build Time, the quality is really good, check the below photo of our pcb board.
Use JLCPCB for $2 PCB Fabrication & 2-day Build Time, the quality is really good, check the below photo of our pcb board. |
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