Introduction |
Published date: 7/2/2018
In this DIY guide I will show you how to make your own digital clock this alarm function. In this project I decided to make my own PCB that is based on Arduino UNO microcontroller - Atmega328p.
Bellow you will find the electronic schematic with PCB layout so you can easily produce it. Let's get started. |
What you will need - Hardware
You will also need a TTL to USB module or an Arduino UNO board for the programming procedure.
The circuit at EasyEDA, the free online circuit design platform
Enter here to see and make any changes to the above circuite.
EasyEDA is a free, zero- install, cloud-based EDA tool, designed to give electrical engineers, educators, engineering students and electronics hobbyists an Easier EDA Experience. It is easy to use circuit design, circuit simulator and PCB design that runs in your web browser. |
The code
Connect your circuit with TTL to USB module with 5 cables to the programming header. The pins RX and TX must be cross-connected.
NOTE: If you are using the Arduino UNO board make sure to remove the ATmega328 IC from it first and connect the headers RX to RX and TX to TX pins of the board. The RS pin must be connected to Arduino UNO reset pin.
NOTE: If you are using the Arduino UNO board make sure to remove the ATmega328 IC from it first and connect the headers RX to RX and TX to TX pins of the board. The RS pin must be connected to Arduino UNO reset pin.
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(Hours:0-23 and Minutes: 0-59) if (AH>23){ AH=0; } if (AM>59){ AM=0; } } void loop() { readBtns(); //Read buttons getTimeDate(); //Read time and date from RTC if (!setupScreen){ lcdPrint(); //Normanlly print the current time/date/alarm to the LCD if (alarmON){ callAlarm(); // and check the alarm if set on } } else{ timeSetup(); //If button set is pressed then call the time setup function } } /*************** Functions ****************/ //Read buttons state void readBtns(){ set_state = digitalRead(btSet); adjust_state = digitalRead(btAdj); alarm_state = digitalRead(btAlarm); if(!setupScreen){ if (alarm_state==LOW){ if (alarmON){ alarm=" "; alarmON=false; } else{ alarm="ALARM"; alarmON=true; } delay(500); } } if (set_state==LOW){ if(btnCount<7){ btnCount++; setupScreen = true; if(btnCount==1){ lcd.clear(); lcd.setCursor(0,0); lcd.print("------SET------"); lcd.setCursor(0,1); lcd.print("-TIME and DATE-"); delay(2000); lcd.clear(); } } else{ lcd.clear(); rtc.adjust(DateTime(YY, MM, DD, H, M, 0)); //Save time and date to RTC IC EEPROM.write(0, AH); //Save the alarm hours to EEPROM 0 EEPROM.write(1, AM); //Save the alarm minuted to EEPROM 1 lcd.print("Saving...."); delay(2000); lcd.clear(); setupScreen = false; btnCount=0; } delay(500); } } //Read time and date from rtc ic void getTimeDate(){ if (!setupScreen){ DateTime now =; DD =; MM = now.month(); YY = now.year(); H = now.hour(); M = now.minute(); S = now.second(); } //Make some fixes... if (DD<10){ sDD = '0' + String(DD); } else { sDD = DD; } if (MM<10){ sMM = '0' + String(MM); } else { sMM = MM; } sYY=YY-2000; if (H<10){ sH = '0' + String(H); } else { sH = H; } if (M<10){ sM = '0' + String(M); } else { sM = M; } if (S<10){ sS = '0' + String(S); } else { sS = S; } if (AH<10){ aH = '0' + String(AH); } else { aH = AH; } if (AM<10){ aM = '0' + String(AM); } else { aM = AM; } } //Print values to the display void lcdPrint(){ String line1 = sH+":"+sM+":"+sS+" | "+aH+":"+aM; String line2 = sDD+"/"+sMM+"/"+sYY +" | "+alarm; lcd.setCursor(0,0); //First row lcd.print(line1); lcd.setCursor(0,1); //Second row lcd.print(line2); } //Setup screen void timeSetup(){ int up_state = adjust_state; int down_state = alarm_state; if(btnCount<=5){ if (btnCount==1){ //Set Hour lcd.setCursor(4,0); lcd.print(">"); if (up_state == LOW){ //Up button + if (H<23){ H++; } else { H=0; } delay(350); } if (down_state == LOW){ //Down button - if (H>0){ H--; } else { H=23; } delay(350); } } else if (btnCount==2){ //Set Minutes lcd.setCursor(4,0); lcd.print(" "); lcd.setCursor(9,0); lcd.print(">"); if (up_state == LOW){ if (M<59){ M++; } else { M=0; } delay(350); } if (down_state == LOW){ if (M>0){ M--; } else { M=59; } delay(350); } } else if (btnCount==3){ //Set Day lcd.setCursor(9,0); lcd.print(" "); lcd.setCursor(0,1); lcd.print(">"); if (up_state == LOW){ if (DD<31){ DD++; } else { DD=1; } delay(350); } if (down_state == LOW){ if (DD>1){ DD--; } else { DD=31; } delay(350); } } else if (btnCount==4){ //Set Month lcd.setCursor(0,1); lcd.print(" "); lcd.setCursor(5,1); lcd.print(">"); if (up_state == LOW){ if (MM<12){ MM++; } else { MM=1; } delay(350); } if (down_state == LOW){ if (MM>1){ MM--; } else { MM=12; } delay(350); } } else if (btnCount==5){ //Set Year lcd.setCursor(5,1); lcd.print(" "); lcd.setCursor(10,1); lcd.print(">"); if (up_state == LOW){ if (YY<2999){ YY++; } else { YY=2000; } delay(350); } if (down_state == LOW){ if (YY>2018){ YY--; } else { YY=2999; } delay(350); } } lcd.setCursor(5,0); lcd.print(sH); lcd.setCursor(8,0); lcd.print(":"); lcd.setCursor(10,0); lcd.print(sM); lcd.setCursor(1,1); lcd.print(sDD); lcd.setCursor(4,1); lcd.print("/"); lcd.setCursor(6,1); lcd.print(sMM); lcd.setCursor(9,1); lcd.print("/"); lcd.setCursor(11,1); lcd.print(sYY); } else{ setAlarmTime(); } } //Set alarm time void setAlarmTime(){ int up_state = adjust_state; int down_state = alarm_state; String line2; lcd.setCursor(0,0); lcd.print("SET ALARM TIME"); if (btnCount==6){ //Set alarm Hour if (up_state == LOW){ if (AH<23){ AH++; } else { AH=0; } delay(350); } if (down_state == LOW){ if (AH>0){ AH--; } else { AH=23; } delay(350); } line2 = " >"+aH+" : "+aM+" "; } else if (btnCount==7){ //Set alarm Minutes if (up_state == LOW){ if (AM<59){ AM++; } else { AM=0; } delay(350); } if (down_state == LOW){ if (AM>0){ AM--; } else { AM=59; } delay(350); } line2 = " "+aH+" :>"+aM+" "; } lcd.setCursor(0,1); lcd.print(line2); } void callAlarm(){ if (aM==sM && aH==sH && S>=0 && S<=2){ turnItOn = true; } if(alarm_state==LOW || shakeTimes>=6 || (M==(AM+5))){ turnItOn = false; alarmON=true; delay(500); } if(analogRead(shakeSensor)>200){ shakeTimes++; Serial.print(shakeTimes); delay(50); } if (turnItOn){ unsigned long currentMillis = millis(); if(currentMillis - previousMillis > interval) { previousMillis = currentMillis; tone(buzzer,melody[i],100); i++; if(i>3){i=0; }; } } else{ noTone(buzzer); shakeTimes=0; } } |
Download the code from here and open it with Arduino IDE. Inside you will also find the library file.
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3D Parts | |
File Size: | 394 kb |
File Type: | zip |
Well Done!
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